It means different things to different people, but generally indicates a point in your life when you will transition and put into motion a personal financial plan you’ve been working on for a while

Yep, that’s the way the definition has morphed for me. I am one who has worked steadily the last 40 years ( freaks me out a little to see that in writing!). I worked some jobs I really liked and some just no. I don’t plan to stop working when I retire , it just means I will pursue things that have more personal relevance to the person I have become.

Really am enjoying your insightful writing! Thank so much for it!

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You're the best! Thank you so much.

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Great perspectives in this post! Retiring could also be seasonal. E.g. I am almost 100% retired in the Summer. But I get back to serious writing in the Fall when the kids and my professor wife are all back in school and the house is quiet again.

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