Never Retire: The Biggest (And Best) Thing We Have To Get Used To In Spain
I have never seen anything like any of this in my life
Other than the language, what’s the biggest thing I have to get used in Spain?
It might be the biggest. It’s also the freaking best. And it applies to both my wife and I. (The language challenge doesn’t apply to her because Spanish is her first language). It’s one of the freshest breaths of fresh air that Spain—in particular, Valencia—has to offer.
More on this in a minute.
Also, in the next few days or so, I’ll tell you about a pretty big risk we took during this period as we wait for the Spanish government to approve our residence permit application (🤞🇪🇸). Only time will tell if it was a calculated risk or a somewhat reckless one.
One thing that isn’t a risk? Supporting my newsletter with a founding membership of $100 or more. Some people use platforms such as Patreon, Ko-Fi and Buy Me a Coffee for continuing support.
I ask that you spend what you can one time and one time only.
In return, you get a lifetime subscription to the Never Retire newsletter. This gets you near-daily posts from Spain. We’re riding a streak of 20 consecutive days right now. And a real-time account of how life is unfolding here in Spain, as it happens.
The posts aren’t perfectly manicured. They just relay how I am feeling and experiencing things as I am writing at a particular moment. I don’t see many newsletters that take this approach so I hope it’s useful, interesting, real and engaging.