Never Retire: Rain, Eating Well And Food/Urban Porn From Valencia, Spain
In words and pictures
Let’s take Saturday to catch up on the last several installments and present a handful of images from the last few days to help capture the feel here. In Valencia, Spain for almost two weeks and on the eighth business day since we submitted our residence permit application.
Once we get approved—🤞🇪🇸 — we can begin the work of apartment hunting alongside a whole slew of administrative tasks. An apartment hunt, which is—as noted in the first linked Never Retire newsletter installment here—among the most important elements of this entire operation.
With that, let’s drop some links you might have missed, dump some photos and talk a little bit about eating. We’re on a 15-day posting streak so this is a mere sampling of where we have been with lots of mother fucking places to go!
It rained here on Thursday night and—on and off—Friday morning.