Never Retire - How To Save On Travel And Still Go Big And Go Often
It's actually an overlooked component of your overall Never Retire strategy
In today’s edition of the Never Retire newsletter, we move away from housing and core Never Retire strategies to focus on travel.
In fact, we’ll probably up the travel installments a bit going forward.
Here’s why—
Many of us who will Never Retire embrace this reality out of choice and necessity.
At some point, the writing on the wall became clear enough for us to know we were not on track to save enough money to fund traditional retirement.
So we had a choice—
Do what most money experts suggest and try to save more to salvage the situation.
Conclude that the work/retire/die path to traditional retirement wasn’t for us after all and chart a different course.
This different course almost always includes a low cost of living (finding the floor), keeping your housing costs as low as possible, setting yourself up to do suitable work in retirement, and working less now so you can work less longer.
You work less now so you can work longer, in part, because you want to do things like take time off (minutes every hour, hours every day, days every month, and weeks and months every year) and travel frequently and maybe somewhat extensively.
However, if, like me, you simply make decent or better money—you’re of modest means—you have to manage your money strategically and make sound spending choices to live this semi-retired life now and for the duration.
If this description looks and sounds exactly or a lot like you, there’s a good chance you want to travel as much as possible now. And you want to travel more and more as you age.
It’s one of the main reasons to work less—to preserve your physical and mental health so you have the capacity to enjoy life through traveling or whatever else you like to do.
With that said, in today’s installment, we use actual receipts showing what my girlfriend and I spent to travel to Italy and Malta for two weeks last February. We plan to spend the month of February in Spain and Italy.
Amazingly, these trips cost less—way less—than if we stayed local. Like if we never left the Great State of California or the country.
This serves as part one of our Never Retire travel series, which focuses on international versus domestic travel.
In future installments, we’ll consider domestic travel, track planning for next year’s trip, and consider the best services to use to book travel and how to most effectively use them.