Today, we tie our recent discussions on taxes together with thoughts I had after reading a post from one of my favorite Substacks—
’s Chris Arnade Walks the World.Chris and I tend to see eye-on-eye on most things urban planning. However, I do take slight exception to something he said in a post this week about differences between the US and Europe, specifically on taxes.
Speaking of taxes, this past weekend’s post—
—seems to have landed well.
I tend toward thinking these types of posts are boring. That they reflect my obsession with such subjects, particularly as I obsessively research them ahead of our January move to Spain. But, then again, I guess they’re informative and applicable to a variety of situations whether you’re planning to move or just grow older in the best personal financial position possible. So—if you’re buying in—I’ll keep them coming.
Today, we blend the best of both worlds, covering (and dispelling some myths on) taxes and considering the different built environments people choose to live in. A factor that’s always important, but becomes increasingly important as you move into and beyond relative old age.
Real quick—I keep most posts in my newsletter behind the paywall because freelance writing is my career. Has been for the better part of 15 years. It’s not my side hustle.
This said, I also do it because my goal is to create a community of subscribers who will be here—as I intend to be—for the long haul.
I turn 49 in July. I’ll celebrate my 50th in Spain. My ambitious plan is to write this thing for roughly 49-to-50 more years.
This is why—in addition to the $5/month and $50/year options—I immediately convert $100 founding memberships into lifetime newsletter subscriptions. You’re always free to pay more than $100—your call—but, either way, you can pay today and never pay again to get the most value for your money.
Before you know it, I’ll be writing this newsletter on the ground in Spain, detailing every single aspect of settling in and living life in our new country.
For now, we continue the (almost) equally-as-exciting process of planning—