Examples Of Apartments We Could Rent In Spain
And a big mistake I have been making in this newsletter that I plan to fix right away
Now that it’s just four months away, we’re beyond the point of excitement for our move to Spain. We’re getting anxious—in a mostly good, but slightly nervous way—to leave.
We can’t wait.
In all of the excitement and ongoing emotions and logistics of the last year, I admit that I lost sight of the genesis of this newsletter—Living The Semi-Retired Life. Specifically, what is semi-retirement? How am I doing it? And how can you adapt what I do to live your own semi-retired life?
A subscriber brought this to my attention. I thank her for her constructive criticism.
So, after today’s installment, expect the next four to cover semi-retirement. To reset that theme, discuss how it looked, how it’s looking and how I expect it to look in Spain.
They’ll all be paid posts so now’s the time to upgrade to paid or a lifetime, founding membership.
Of course, you’ll continue to get the practical and psychological blow-by-blow on the move to Spain. But I’ll take care to weave the semi-retirement theme—which is really what brought us to the dance—more purposefully and implicitly. I sort of felt like the concept of semi-retirement—and me being semi-retired—was assumed.
I was wrong.
Levels of semi-retirement exist. And I’m not all the way there yet, which is a huge reason, if not the main reason for the move to Spain.
So—in the next installment—we kick off the series, including a look at what the subscriber had to say in her message to me. There’s a good chance you’ll agree with what she said. I definitely did. Sometimes it’s just difficult to see when you’re so intensely inside your own work. It takes a swift, but polite kick in the ass.
But first—
Apartment hunting in Valencia, Spain.
People say—and the data says—it has gotten more expensive. I agree with that.
Some people say—and all you have are hyperbolic Facebook posts on this—that it’s “impossible” to rent an apartment in Valencia. I disagree with this.
This is how we plan to go about the apartment search and the type of place (there are some super nice ones!) we should be able to get for our money.