Exactly What Is Semi-Retirement?
How I live it and hope to eventually become even more semi-retired in Spain
Semi-retirement is a lifestyle, not a work arrangement.
So—as promised the other day in—
… expect the next four (installments) to cover semi-retirement. To reset that theme, discuss how it looked, how it’s looking and how I expect it to look in Spain.
They’ll all be paid posts so now’s the time to upgrade to paid or a lifetime, founding membership.
… Levels of semi-retirement exist. And I’m not all the way there yet, which is a huge reason, if not the main reason for the move to Spain.
So—in the next installment—we kick off the series, including a look at what the subscriber had to say in her message to me. There’s a good chance you’ll agree with what she said. I definitely did. Sometimes it’s just difficult to see when you’re so intensely inside your own work. It takes a swift, but polite kick in the ass.